Biology, MS

    Program Description

    The Department of Biology has a formal program leading to a master’s degree in the areas of ecology and evolution and marine biology. The degree is offered in both “course-only” and “thesis” programs, but nearly all students are admitted to the thesis program.

    Departmental requirements are 45 hours of graduate credit for an MS with thesis or 60 hours of graduate credit for the master’s degree without thesis.

    In either program, at least 30 hours must be in graduate-level biology courses; 24 hours must be graded, with a GPA of 3.0 or better; 9 hours must be in 600-level courses.

    Up to 15 hours of graduate credit (3.0 or better) earned at another institution may be transferred and counted toward a University of Oregon master’s degree, but those hours may not be used to meet the graded hours requirement, nor can they have been used to fulfill any part of the baccalaureate degree.

    Application at a Glance

    Detailed instructions are available on the program’s website. The following are required for your application:

    Meet the Faculty
    Visit the Website
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Campus: Charleston, Eugene
    Fall 2025
    Final Deadline - December 01, 2024 

    Applications must be submitted and paid for by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on the specified deadline date to be considered eligible.

    This program may accept applications after the posted deadline on a space-available basis. Refer to the program’s website for more details.